Tampa Bay
SVP Cares
SVP Cares
What We’re Doing
TampaBay.SVPCares.org is THE place for helping the Tampa Bay nonprofit community assess, respond and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. SVP Tampa Bay, Community Foundation of Tampa Bay, and Inspiring Service have come together to create a single modern website serving the entire Tampa Bay metropolitan area. Tampabay.svpcares.org is designed to engage Tampa Bay’s nonprofit sector in COVID-19 response and recovery that drives volunteers to where they are needed and connects donors and funders to the causes that matter most to them, and the community.
The platform is free to volunteers and nonprofits, underwritten by the nonprofit technology organization Inspiring Service. Any questions or comments should be directed to [email protected].
The platform is free to volunteers and nonprofits, underwritten by the nonprofit technology organization Inspiring Service. Any questions or comments should be directed to [email protected].