COVID-19 relief
As the coronavirus spreads, seniors are facing mounting uncertainty and risk. That is because right when these seniors need us most, we have had to postpone or cancel many of our events critical to protecting the very people we serve. Overnight, our services to older persons have become jeopardized and our main source of revenue has vanished.
Our mission remains to promote quality of life and independence for adults through health, social, and supportive services. Seniors and their families still need us. And they still need you. While much remains unknown about coronavirus, experts agree that seniors are at much higher risk. A senior’s immune system can be severely compromised. Moreover, elderly patients are more likely to suffer the most severe coronavirus symptoms, including death.
No state has a higher share of residents who are in their 60s, 70s, or older than Florida. Pasco County seniors account for 29.8% of the Pasco County population. CARES is servicing 1/3 of the entire community. We cannot stop providing vital services to older persons and their families. During this pandemic, CARES is allowing families and caregivers the reassurance of knowing that someone will be checking on their loved ones on a regularly scheduled basis.
Since the outbreak, the majority of our calls are related to COVID-19. In efforts to expand CARES outreach during this pandemic, CARES must now check on seniors more often, to ensure they have essentials while self-isolating. Services such as respite care, grocery shopping, grooming, personal hygiene and home upkeep are critical during this time. Seniors, families, and caregivers need vital information, and we need to be there to provide it.
We take the safety and health of our clients, staff, volunteers, and community very seriously. CARES Home Health Care Unit continues to provide in-home, one-on-one, and face to face contact with our vulnerable seniors. CARES Senior Health Clinic is vital in connecting seniors with community medical resources at no cost while providing the highest level of service to those that are under-served in our community. As a result, CARES Home Health Care Unit must continue to provide in-home, one-on-one, and face to face contact with our vulnerable seniors.
We are updating our website in real-time with the latest news and medical reports for one of our most vulnerable populations. We remain dedicated to our mission more than ever. Helps us allow our seniors to stay at home, stay independent, stay connected, stay informed. But we honestly cannot do this without you. This is an emergency: Please donate now to CARES and help us continue providing crucial, life-saving programs to our seniors.