Action Zone, Inc.

2101 E Palm Ave, Tampa, Fl 33605, Usa
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Our missionServing Veteran Entrepreneurs by providing education & advocacy for Veterans seeking an alternative to traditional employment.

Action Zone, Inc.

0 Reviews
About usAction Zone was created by the Veteran community for the Veteran community. Our services are designed to help Veterans, Active Duty, Reservists, Guards and military spouses and dependents build businesses. We provide education and advocacy for the entire military community seeking an alternative to traditional employment. We support military spouses and dependents who create businesses that are impervious to the nomadic nature of military life for families. We connect Veterans to advocates and assets in the region to provide the most comprehensive system of support to develop and launch a business. Our niche is specialized: it is a Veteran-owned business hub helping the military community put their business ideas into action.
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