Alonso Booster Club

8302 Montague St, Tampa, Fl 33635, Usa
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Our missionTo foster an environment that inspires student athletes, coaches, parents, and the community to collectively create a positive atmosphere for all our athletic programs.

Alonso Booster Club

0 Reviews
How you helpSign up to work one of our home Volleyball games or JV Football game. A percentage of the proceeds will go back to your team's account. This year the Concession Stand and Snack Shack will look a little different. We will only be selling pre-packaged items and all transactions will be cashless. The Booster Club will provide you with the devices you will need to accept credit and debit cards. Once you sign up, you will be contacted with further details.
About usThe Alonso High School Booster Club provides athletic teams the opportunity to do multiple fundraisers throughout the year. We provide a means for the teams to use our concession stand as a fundraiser. We sell memberships to offset the cost of various items such as insurance, maintenance of the concession stand and equipment, and annual CPA audits.​ We are currently trying to increase our general fund so we can help teams with uniforms, equipment, a rubber track for our stadium, score boards, teacher breakfasts, and any other expense that would benefit our school.
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