Bayou Outdoor Learning and Discovery

Our missionTo sustain a portion of Florida’s original habitats, in the Little Manatee River Watershed, and to promote appreciation and better understanding of our natural resources, local history and culture through education.

Bayou Outdoor Learning and Discovery

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Ways to help

Program Instructor

Facilitate presentation of nature topics for youth groups- schools, scouts, homeschools, traveling camps; assist in facilitation of adult programs- Florida Master Naturalist Program (FMNP) and teacher workshops (PLT, Project WILD and WET, etc.); lead tours for guided day and night paddle trips as well as night hikes. (Note that this is where our program fees… See full description
  • Adults (18+)
  • Recurring
  • On-site
  • Weekdays, Weekends
  • Individuals
  • In-person, Indoor, Outdoor, Answer Calls, Tech Support, Maintenance, Writing, Skills-based, Project-based
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Items we need now

Security Shed

One of our most popular activities at Camp Bayou is our paddling trips. The County provided canoes and a secure rack but many attendees prefer kayaks, since they are easier to paddle when the person is participating on their own. We had a few kayak donations that were stored in what we thought was a secure building (one of our fishing cabins) but somehow someone broke in and stole 4 of them, plus paddles and life jackets. We can’t make these cabins more secure since that will detract from their historical appearance. In addition, the cabins were only intended as a temporary storage area since the kayaks in them are not part of the display. We need a separate secure building with adequate locks to keep our newly donated kayaks. We need to raise $6000 to purchase a ready-made secure shed. We would also appreciate kayak donations to replace the ones that were stolen.
  • In-Kind Donations
How you helpCamp Bayou continues to operate thanks to the many folks who have donated time, materials or cash.
About usThe Camp Bayou Outdoor Learning Center is a project of the Florida, 501 (c) 3, non-profit- Bayou Outdoor Learning and Discovery, Inc. otherwise known as B.O.L.D. It is run entirely by volunteers and funded through programs and the generosity of local supporters. Camp Bayou is operated in partnership with Hillsborough County Conservation and Environmental Lands Management who own this ELAPP parcel in the public interest.
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