Coaching a Girls on the Run program is the most rewarding way to get involved with Girls on the Run. You get to experience the program first hand, feel a sense of accomplishment that you have made a difference in the lives of girls and have a ton of fun with your team of coaches and incredible girls.
Coach is a volunteer position that works with a team of coaches to facilitate the Girls on the Run® curriculum to program participants. This position works closely with the Council Director and entails approximately 4 hours per week with additional time required on two to three weekend days for: training; a community race event; and for First Aid/CPR training, if necessary.
Major responsibilities include: preparing, organizing, and supervising the weekly lessons; leading the program participants through each lesson; serving as a role model and mentor; coaching program participants on proper stretching, running form, hydration and sports nutrition; attending a community running race with program participants and other volunteers; attending 1 Mid Season Coach Appreciation Meeting; interacting with parents of program participants; and understanding and believing in the mission of the organization and program.