1212 W Cass St, Tampa, Fl 33606
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Our mission

Starting Right, Now ends homelessness for youth by providing one-on-one mentoring, a stable home, assisting with employment opportunities, teaching financial literacy/life skills and promoting educational achievement.


Become a Mentor

One-on-one mentoring makes SRN unique.

When a student joins our program, he or she is paired with a mentor who is carefully selected to help that student succeed, based on his or her personality and needs. The mentor teaches the student social, emotional and life skills. The mentors act as a trusting confidante, building relationships that last a lifetime. For the first time in their lives, these students feel stable.

The results are nothing short of spectacular. Not only do the students obtain the skills needed to succeed and end the cycle of homelessness, but they also gain a lifelong relationship with someone who truly care about them.

  • Ongoing
  • Adults
  • Virtual, In Person
About us

Starting Right, Now (SRN) meets the needs of a growing population of homeless, unaccompanied youth. SRN intervenes with a uniquely holistic approach. We created a comprehensive curriculum to empower our youth. In addition to housing stability, food, academic support and life-skill classes, each student is paired with a mentor who becomes their advocate, guiding them with emotional support. Each student has access to health insurance, food stamps, banking (financial literacy) and a network of support. We work with each student to propel them to the military, vocational training or higher education. SRN intercedes at a critical juncture, breaking the generational cycle of poverty.