Computer Mentors, Inc.

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Computer Mentors, Inc.

2802 E Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Tampa, Fl 33610
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Our mission

To provide opportunities for educational and employment success through bridging the technology divide for populations without sufficient economic resources, especially as it relates to children and youth.


Computer Donations

Computer Mentors has assisted youth being impacted by the “Digital Divide” for the last 23 years. Though many thought the divide had been alleviated, the coronavirus has exposed a persistent divide. Additionally, the current divide now determines whether or not children can participate in education. Contact us for more details.

  • One-time
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Tech Support
  • Anytime


Computer Mentors are currently hiring! We are looking for a new Program Director and a KidsCode Program Manager. Both positions are fulltime and play important roles at our non-profit agency.

Computer Mentors is a nonprofit service organization comprised of technology professionals who dedicate their time and talent to encourage and guide young people toward a career in Computer Science and Information Technology. This is the key position for administering the CMG youth programs which include the KidsCode Program – teaching code to kids in 4th to 8th grade, the TeenTech Program – guiding high school students toward careers in information technology; and our annual Teen Business Challenge – where teams of youth compete to create business plans and apps as they learn entrepreneurship. For more information and instructions to apply, please visit our website at

  • Ongoing
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Virtual, Tech Support
About us

Computer Mentors works within the community to not only ignite a passion within children for careers in I.T., but also to benefit the surrounding economy. Learn about who makes it possible, how Computer Mentor’s is making the news and all about our current marketing campaign: Make I.T. Happen.