D.E.L.T.A., Inc.

5004 E Fowler Ave Unit+c-313, Tampa, Fl 33617, Usa
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Our missionSocially and economically leveraging resources with community partners for the advancement of the residents of the Tampa Bay area.

D.E.L.T.A., Inc.

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About usFor more than 20 years, D.E.L.T.A., Inc., has served children, families, and adults of all ages through the provision of products and services aimed at enhancing the quality of life for members of the diverse communities in Hillsborough County /Tampa, Florida. Our nonprofit organization accomplishes its goals by leveraging resources and collaborating with significant community partners who, also, are committed to serving others. Our goal is to improve and enhance the lives of children, families, and adults of all ages residing within this culturally diverse service area. D.E.L.T.A., Inc. relies on private support in the form of gifts and donations from individuals, businesses, corporations, and other friends and supporters.
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