All Kidney Patients Support Group (AKPSG)

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All Kidney Patients Support Group (AKPSG)

615 28th St S, St. Petersburg, Fl 33712
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Our mission

Our mission is to transform the kidney community by supporting one another to live a quality life on dialysis or transplantation.



As the oldest and largest, fully-independent kidney patient organization in the U.S. – AAKP depends on contributions from you to help support the programs and activities of the Association. AAKP has aggressively distinguished itself as the leader in patient-centered education, advocacy, and patient engagement – making AAKP highly respected among fellow non-profit organizations; professional associations; the medical community; renal-industry partners; federal and government agencies; and most importantly the individuals and families we serve coping with chronic kidney disease.

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About us

Kidney awareness and education for individuals at all stages of kidney disease including pre and post transplant. Our vision is to have a patient centered commitment to enhancing the health of individuals through education and shared experiences.