Dunedin Cares, Inc.

1630 Pinehurst Rd, Dunedin, Fl 34698, Usa
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Our mission Our goal is to ensure our neighbors in Dunedin & surrounding communities have the opportunity to provide food for their families.

Dunedin Cares, Inc.

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Ways to help

Parking Attendant

Job Description: Parking Attendant Arrival Time: 9:00 AM Last Car Accepted: Noon Mask Required Duties on Food Distribution Day(s): 1.  Set up and take down parking lot cones and signage 2.  Set up and take down canopy and chairs 3.  Direct cars to parking for in-pantry shopping 4.  Direct cars utilizing drive-up service to appropriate… See full description
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Greeter #1

Job Description: Greeter #1 Arrival Time: 9:15 AM Last Client Accepted: Noon Mask Required Duties on Food Distribution Day(s): 1.  Greet Clients and determine if they will shop in-pantry or utilize drive thru service.  2.  Provide Clients utilizing in-pantry shopping with a single use number to keep the order of Clients organized while waiting to… See full description
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Greeter #2 (Health Screener)

ob Description: Greeter #2 (Health Screener) Arrival Time: 9:15 AM Last Client Accepted: Noon Mask Required Duties on Food Distribution Day(s): 1.  Set up, maintain and take down Client number board.  2.  Take Client temperatures once parked and ask health-screening questions to all Clients who will entry the pantry.  If any Client has a temperature… See full description
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Client Registrar

ob Description: Client Registrar Arrival Time: 9:00 AM Last Client Accepted: Noon Mask Required Duties on Food Distribution Day(s): 1.  Log onto Food Bank Manager and open card printer program. 2.  Greet Clients as they enter pantry. Client to provide either a valid ID or a Dunedin Cares ID card. Make sure all Clients entering… See full description
  • In-person
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Job Description: Shopper Arrival Time: 9:15 AM Last Client Accepted: Noon Mask Required Duties on Food Distribution Day(s): 1.  After Client has been registered, Shopper will greet Client and begin shopping. 2.  Shopper will follow Guest Shopping List and floor plan protocols 3.  Shopper will take items from shelves as directed by Client 4.  At… See full description
  • In-person
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Checkout Recorder

Job Description: Checkout Recorder Arrival Time: 9:15 AM Last Client: 12:30/1:00 PM Mask Required Duties on Food Distribution Day(s): 1.  Client will present single-use number to Checkout Recorder to match the Client to the open visit record in Food Bank Manager. 2.  Tally weight of Client’s goods and record total in Food Bank Manager and… See full description
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About us Statistics indicated that even in our delightful city of Dunedin, Florida, there were pockets of people who are “food insecure”, where children go to bed hungry and elderly choose to purchase their medication over food. The Food Pantry opened it’s doors November 12, 2015 for the first distribution of food bags to Dunedin residents in need, providing food, help and hope. Over time we evolved from providing food bags to our clients to our current “Supermarket ” approach which encourages our clients to choose the items they would prefer.
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