Our mission | The Florida Gulf Cost Veterans of America mission is to improve the quality of life of veterans who have a spinal cord injury or dysfunction (SCI/D). |
Florida Gulf Coast Paralyzed Veterans of America
About us | The Paralyzed Veterans of America, a congressionally chartered veterans service organization founded in 1946, has developed a unique expertise on a wide variety of issues involving the special needs of our members---veterans of the armed forces who have experienced spinal cord injury or dysfunction. Our mission is accomplished by programs that: advocate for quality health care; assist with earned and entitled benefits; support research and education in the field of SCI/D; provide information and opportunities for better education, employment and wheelchair sports. We educate society and seek to eliminate attitudinal, physical and legal barriers that confront our members and all individuals with disabilities. We partner with other groups and organizations engaged in similar activities. We are a non-profit veterans organization chartered by Congress |
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