Freedom to Walk Foundation

Our mission | Our mission is to enrich the lives of children and adults experiencing Foot Drop and assist with funding for the purchase of WalkAides®. |
About us | For many individuals with Foot Drop, walking is a near impossibility or is done with severe discomfort or complication. The Freedom to Walk Foundation uses donations provided by our community and supporters to help provide patients financial assistance to purchase either a WalkAide®, Bioness, or other Foot Droop FES medical device—which can cost thousands of dollars out of pocket. For many, these devices, while FDA approved to help alleviate the symptoms of Foot Drop, are not covered (or are only partially covered) by medical insurance carriers. The Freedom to Walk Foundation helps these individuals cover the out of pocket expense for Foot Drop devices, allowing patients to regain the function of their foot and leg, regain independence, and enables them to take a step back into their regular life. |