Florida Holocaust Museum

55 5th St S, St. Petersburg, Fl 33701
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Our mission

The Florida Holocaust Museum honors the memory of millions of innocent men, women and children who suffered or died in the Holocaust. The Museum is dedicated to teaching the members of all races and cultures the inherent worth and dignity of human life in order to prevent future genocides.


Funding Needed to Bring Holocaust Education to Virtual Classrooms

The effects of COVID-19 continues to impact The FHM, resulting in loss of revenue, cancellation of events/tours, etc. Admissions alone comprise 12% of our budget. COVID-19, however, has not stopped our ability to offer educational outreach to school districts in Tampa Bay and around the state.  Although we are closed, we continue to work with schools who are transitioning to virtual classrooms. We are adapting our outreach to conform to their needs to teach Holocaust education as part of public school instruction (grades K-12) per State mandate.

A special section has been set up on our website and we have a robust social media campaign to complement our efforts to reach those who might need our resources outside the Tampa Bay Area.  All of these resources and tools are offered free of charge. https://www.flholocaustmuseum.org/learn/virtual-resources/

  • One-time, Ongoing, Recurring
  • Families

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About us

The Florida Holocaust Museum is a leader in developing and delivering unique strategies empowering people to make positive change in the world.