or many children, a grandparent fills a role no one else can. For others, it’s a role that desperately needs to be filled.
The Foster Grandparent Program is a nationally-affiliated program, through Senior Corps of the Corporation for National & Community Service, offering individuals 55 and over the opportunity to tutor and mentor students in a school near their home. This child mentoring program takes place in the child’s classroom with a teacher present.
Foster Grandparent volunteers are role models and friends to children with exceptional needs. For children who are struggling in school, at-risk, neglected, or abused, the support of a foster grandparent can help build confidence and stability.
A Foster Grandparent is someone with time, love, and understanding, who enjoys being around children and wants to help them to be their best. They take time to listen, offer support and friendship, and share knowledge gained through a lifetime of experience.
Volunteer opportunities serving children and youth create a legacy for the future and help children, families, and communities become stronger and shift from surviving to thriving.