5118 N 56th St, Tampa, Fl 33610
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Our mission

To engage, elevate and strengthen families within their neighborhood by providing support and growth opportunities that lead to sustained positive outcomes.

Items we need

Computer Donations Needed

The COVID-19 pandemic is making school attendance uncertain for this semester. Distance learning requires access to a computer and the internet, and a lot of families cannot afford to get the technology they need to make these adjustments.

While the school system is able to provide one laptop per home in some cases, families with multiple children risk them falling behind in education. Mass unemployment is only compounding the problem. We are working on solutions to help local families facing these issues so that we can reduce the harm COVID-19 is doing to our neighbors, and we need your help!

If you can afford to give, please consider donating even $10 to help us help our neighbors in need. Visit http://positivespinfl.org/donate today.

If you have a spare, working laptop that you’d like to donate, please reach out to us.

If you are out of work or in need due to COVID-19, call
813-977-7677 to find out how Positive Spin can assist you.

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About us

Positive Spin, Inc. is a Community-Based Social Service agency that works to assist children and families live healthy, stable and productive lives. Our programs offer a variety of youth services and programs designed to nurture children and empower families. Services include practical assistance for families, parental support, housing assistance, childcare support, family counseling, financial literacy workshops, job training and educational opportunities. Referrals and connections to other community resources are available through innovative partnerships designed to increase family stability. Together we can build a stronger community, one family at a time.