Shepherd’s Village

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Shepherd's Village

1910 E Bay Dr, Largo, Fl 33771
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Our mission

To provide transitional housing and programs for qualified single-parent families willing to establish and pursue specific goals that lead to strengthened family life and self-sustainability.


Shelter and Food

With the current world wide crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic the single-mother families we serve have been effected financially. Shepherd’s Village provides affordable housing and life skill resources for working low income single-mothers. During this crisis more than half of our moms have experienced a job loss or significant decrease in wages, all while having to take care of children that are doing school from home. Shepherd’s Village residents are benefiting from donor supported housing making it a below market price, however with no income this can not be paid. Shepherds’ Village is feeding families 3 meals a week plus supplemental snacks weekly to help with food cost. This request is for two important needs: Shelter and Food. The subsidized rent at Shepherd’s Village is $550 per month. The average food and basic hygiene needs for a family of 3 to 4 is $75-$100 a week.

  • Children, Adults
  • Individuals, Corporate Teams, Families
  • Delivery
  • Weekdays

Donate to Shabby to Chic

We are happy to accept your gently used home furnishings and accessories.

Due to limited space, we appreciate seeing photos in advance of the items you wish to donate. Please be sure to include your name and contact information with the photo.
We have a partnership with Shawn and Shawn and would be happy to arrange a pickup for you.

You are welcome to arrange a time to drop off your items at our store. We’d love to know you’re coming.

  • Ongoing
  • In Person

Volunteer Opportunities

We need partners who are committed to being the hands and feet of our organization through volunteering.  Here are just a few ways you could volunteer with us:

Provide mentoring, life resource training, project volunteer or child care
Become a prayer warrior with our 24-hour live prayer line
Help with property maintenance and improvements
Assist with the future residential expansion
Provide career training or after-school care
Drive a van for us

  • Virtual, In Person

Shabby to Chic

Enjoy shopping at Shabby To Chic, a quaint little shop that repurposes donated furnishings and accessories. Nestled within Antique Alley in Belleair Bluffs, FL, Shabby To Chic is operated by Shepherd’s Village as a social enterprise. Your total purchase goes to scholarships for single moms residing with us.

  • Ongoing
  • Adults
  • In Person

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About us

Shepherd’s Village is a Christian housing ministry for single-parent families. Our moms are looking for a hand up, not a hand out. That’s why we have positioned ourselves to be a steady resource in the midst of uncertainties. Shepherd’s Village provides new hope and a fresh start to establish a stable family life through new spiritual and emotional health, financial and life skill training, and educational and career development goals.