1501 N Belcher Rd. #249, Clearwater, Fl 33765, Usa
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Our missionTo support and empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The Arc Tampa Bay

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How you helpVolunteers provide human and financial resources needed to continue to serve those who are counting on us. Volunteers share the spirit of hope throughout The Arc Tampa Bay and our community.
About usThe Arc Tampa Bay has a long history of advocacy efforts in support of our mission. As a service provider for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities for 58 years, The Arc Tampa Bay has been a key affiliate member of The Arc of Florida. The Arc Tampa Bay offers several educational, employment, and recreational programs for intellectually/developmentally disabled adults at the spacious Long Center facility, which is owned and operated by the City of Clearwater. Adult day program services are also available at Harborside Studios and Tarpon Springs.
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