The ROPE Center

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The ROPE Center

14121 Water Tower Dr, Hudson, Fl 34667
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Our mission

To partner with the Church and Community to provide a Christian Based Program to feed, clothe, shelter and provide essential services to prepare the homeless in returning to a life physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually. Shares Hope & Help in Jesus name to move people from homelessness and despair toward personal and spiritual wholeness.


Volunteer for Intake/Resource Assistance

We are needing a volunteer who can occupy our front desk, greet homeless clients, assess needs and assist them in completing intake paperwork.  That would involve the hours of 9 am – 2 pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week.

Also needed is a volunteer for resource assistance.  This would involve helping clients apply for food stamps, housing, employment,  medicaid and other available benefits.  Many of the homeless are not computer-saavy and have difficulty navigating these processes.

  • Ongoing
  • Teens, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Research, Indoor, Project-based
  • Weekdays

Scholarships for Resident's Housing Fees

Each resident of the ROPE Center is obligated to pay $45.00 per week for shelter, food and clothing.  Because of COVID-19, many have been laid off or furloughed and can no longer afford their weekly resident fee.

In addition, we were not able to take in additional residents during the 7 weeks the Community Outreach Center was closed.  Therefore we have not been able to operate a full capacity.

We rely heavily on the Housing Fees to financially support the ROPE Center program and to continue to make the services available to the homeless.  We currently are looking at lost revenues due to unpaid resident fees at approximately $12,000 .  Each resident who is unable to pay his/her fees would benefit from a $450 scholarship.  This would enable the resident to stay at the ROPE Center, find employment and move ahead in their goals to become productive citizens.  This scholarship applies not only to current residents who have been unable to work, but also for new residents needing to come into the program but is lacking funding.


  • One-time, Ongoing
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Corporate Teams, Families
  • Tutoring, Indoor, Project-based
  • Weekdays
How you help

We are Christian based and our center is dependent on Donations. We are the only Emergency Resource Center in Pasco County. If you would like to help email us at [email protected].

About us

We are a Transitional living center located in Hudson, Fl. We are supported by The Prayer House Church where Pastor Jim and Sue Campbell saw the need and started this center with God as their partner.