1Voice Foundation

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1Voice Foundation

123 W Bloomingdale Ave, Brandon, Fl 33511
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Our mission

The CAUSE of the 1Voice Foundation is to support children with cancer and their families by connecting them with financial, emotional and educational CARE while funding research for tomorrow’s CURE.



You can volunteer your time. It will change your life. For information on volunteer opportunities, please contact Donna Mart at [email protected].

  • One-time, Ongoing, Recurring
  • 55+, Adults
  • Other
  • Anytime

Attend an Event

You can join us at an upcoming event. Click on the link below to see our full list of events where you can participate.


  • Virtual, In Person
About us

The 1Voice Foundation provides over 20 family support programs for pediatric cancer families in west central Florida. We offer financial, emotional, psychosocial and educational support and complimentary therapies to all members of the family. We fund and operate a pediatric cancer research lab under the direction of Cameron Tebbi, M.D., who is developing a vaccine for leukemia. We are the VOICE on Capitol Hill for Childhood Cancer Action Days on the Hill where we testify before Congress and the Senate annually and share our children’s stories. We have partnered with the Hillsborough County Schools to open the 1Voice Academy, the first school in the United States for Children with cancer.