Feeding Tampa Bay

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Feeding Tampa Bay

4702 Transport Dr, Tampa, Fl 33605
I'm Interested Visit Website Volunteer Page
Our mission

We change lives one meal at a time by leading our community in the fight against hunger.


Warehouse Sorting

Help inspect perishable and/or non-perishable foods for their expiration date and quality, then package those good foods into bags/boxes that will be distributed to our hungry neighbors in the next few days.  Sign up at this link: https://volunteer.feedingtampabay.org/calendar

ALL volunteers MUST wear closed-toe shoes (i.e. sneakers) for warehouse safety. Volunteers wearing open-toe shoes will not be allowed to volunteer. Recommended attire includes shirts with sleeves (no tank-tops), and jeans or shorts of appropriate length.
There is NO minimum age to participate in this activity; however, please note this activity would be best suited for children 5+.

Location: Feeding Tampa Bay

  • One-time, Ongoing
  • Teens, 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10), Families
  • In Person, Indoor
  • Weekdays

Advocate for change

Advocate for change. Help us raise awareness about the reality of hunger in America. By creating a dialogue with legislators, the media and the public, you can make a difference in the lives of more than 35 million hungry Americans. Advocate, connect with others and donate your time or financial support.

  • Ongoing
  • Teens, 55+, Adults
  • Phone Calling
  • Anytime

Emergency response volunteer team

Please Note. If you are willing and able to volunteer in the face of a pandemic – or other crisis situation like a hurricane – become a part of our emergency response volunteer team.

Feeding Tampa Bay is an essential facility and we are working hard to ensure our neighbors have the food they need during this critical time.  Volunteers are crucial in these efforts and we need you to #standwithFTB now more than ever. We are taking extra precautions to ensure our volunteers’ safety in our warehouse and at distribution sites. We kindly ask volunteers who fall within an “at-risk” category (immunocompromised, age 65, etc.) or those not feeling well to take care of themselves at home.




  • Ongoing
  • Teens, 55+, Adults
  • In Person
  • Anytime
Items we need

Shop to Give

In the wake of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), its important that we step up to help those in need of food. Many of our families struggle to provide everyday meals, and with extended school breaks and business closures, this need is increasing to levels we’ve never seen before. Help us bring food to neighbors in need during this time of uncertainty.

Shop to give. By using participating shopping sites such as AmazonSmile, fighting hunger can be as simple as purchasing the items you need.

Learn More

No matches for criteria.

About us

Feeding Tampa Bay, part of the national Feeding America network, focuses on providing food to the hundreds of thousands of food insecure families in the 10-county area of West Central Florida. Food insecurity can affect anyone: our neighbors, coworkers, the elderly, and classmates. Many people who need our help work hard day in and day out, but were one layoff, tragedy or natural disaster away from needing assistance. Feeding Tampa Bay serves over 600,000 hungry people across West Central Florida. For every $1 you donate, we can provide 10 meals to a family in need.