Single-Mom Super Hero Nurse

With COVID-19 front and center of everything we saw as normal, we know so many families are echoing the same stories of uncertainty right now. Single mothers are doing this alone. Our purpose here at Shepherd’s Village is to walk alongside these moms in all seasons of their life, by sharing the gospel, sharing resources, and providing limited housing. We wanted to share one of those stories with you today, that reflects the lives of single mothers all over this country.

Caitlin is a mom of four kids, in school full-time finishing her bachelor’s degree and working as a nurse on the front lines.  Her normal routine as she once knew has been completely turned upside down, now adding homeschool mom to her busy daily schedule.  The stress of life in this unscheduled crisis would feel like a defeat to any family, but especially one with a single mother. Caitlin has focused her life and her family on the Lord and chosen to lean into the Lord during this time by continuing to serve her neighbors and community. Caitlin leads one of our mom’s only bible studies and meets with her mentor regularly to keep her focus on Him.

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