Great new podcast featuring Carole Baskin! See link below: The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Carole Baskin, Founder & CEO of Big Cat Rescue & Tiger King Star
The holidays are right around the corner. There are 1000s of hungry families that would go without a Thanksgiving meal. The Volunteer Way is reaching out to our community businesses to help feed the thousands of families in need. Please call Nicole, 727-815-0433, to see how you can help.
At TampaBay-Job-Links, we’re here to help you navigate your job search. Did you know we offer FREE virtual workshops? Our interactive workshops cover résumés, cover letters, online networking, virtual interviewing, and other beneficial career-search topics. Follow our calendar here: Contact us today at 813.344.0200 or email us at [email protected].
Are you seeking treatment for your substance use disorder but aren’t sure whether or not you’ll be able to afford the cost of rehabilitation? If so, you should consider taking advantage of Phoenix House Florida’s 33% discount on self-pay for our residential treatment program. Give us a call at (813) 957-9639 or contact us at…
Many of our Bigs and Littles have found creative ways to meet virtually and spend time together to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus. As a result, you have been able to maintain a meaningful relationship with each other. Great job!! Many of you have also been requesting approval to meet in-person. We all…
COVID-19 may have canceled or postponed many of our events, but our commitment to the HIV+ community has remained the same. Check out this Watermark article : to learn how you can help us continue our mission during this year’s reimagined Dining Out For Life and our Inaugural EPIC eVENT!
The Greener Side Haven, Inc. is a relatively small animal sanctuary. We specialize in seniors and medically needy domestic animals. We currently have 38 babies in our Forever Foster programs. Our basic Forever Foster Program pays for all the medical, grooming, supplement and miscellaneous needs of the animals in our foster family’s home. While our…
We’re four months into the pandemic, and food banks are seeing a steady line of people. “We’re starting to see that pick back up now. Cause we’re seeing a second wave, if you will, of concern,” said Feeding Tampa Bay president and CEO Thomas Mantz. Mantz says an additional 10,000 families a week are…
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — With students stuck at home, unable to go to school, access to new books can be a challenge. There is a woman in the Tampa Bay area with a bus load of books, that’s making sure students keep reading no matter what. When Bess The Book Bus comes rolling into a school parking…
A LETTER FROM OUR FOUNDING BOARD MEMBER, Dr. Steven Kelder Dear CATCH Friends and Community, I hope this note finds you well and healthy during these unprecedented times. At CATCH Global Foundation (CGF), we are following the COVID-19 updates closely and working diligently to keep CATCH My Breath, our evidence-based nicotine vaping prevention resources, accessible…