Everything has Changed
Everything has changed. Working from home, social distancing, toilet paper: these are just a few things we could not have imagined being important a week ago, but today they are our priorities. COVID-19 has impacted everyone in almost every way. We know that the most susceptible people are at the highest risk, like the homeless, the compromised, and the elderly.
While our young adults at Ready for Life are strong and resilient, they also fall into this high-risk category. Many are searching for stability in housing, employment, health, and social acceptance. The adversities our former foster youth face don’t go away during a crisis like Coronavirus, in fact they often get worse. We expect the number of young people we serve as well as their emergency needs to grow significantly during this time. We are doing everything we can to continue to assist this vulnerable population, but we need your help.
Today, our RFL Skill Center is technically closed; however, that has not stopped the critical services Ready for Life offers. Youth can still pick up emergency food and personal supplies; do laundry or take a shower; receive mental health counseling; and get support from their Youth Specialist on their individual needs, only now virtually or by appointment.
There is a poignant story from Mr. Rogers: when he was a boy and would see scary things in the news, his mother would say, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
Our young people need YOUR help, now more than ever. We are launching the Ready for Rebound Crisis Campaign. Please consider making a monetary donation to Ready for Life or purchasing items from our Emergency Needs wishlist. With your support, our youth can survive this crisis. You are making an immediate impact today and securing a brighter future for tomorrow.